Yadza Zooqus Space Warrior 11 & 12
Posted: 16 Dec 2020, 20:42
Yadza Zooqus Space Warrior 11 & 12
Continued from 9 & 10
Chapter: 11 Therapy
Therapy day 1
Morning, I had breakfast and was back gurney side when the silver quartet arrived taking up stations at the corners of Yadza’s gurney. Doctor M-66656 slowly reduced the intensity of the sync pulse, and Yadza stopped twitching against the restraining straps. She came around with no recollection of the time passed just like yesterday morning after 9-days.
Doctor M-66656 answered, “And good morning to you too, MS Zooqus. If you will listen and not respond belligerently, I will try to enlighten you as our time permits. We are busy and have much work to do.”
Yadza fumbled around trying to open her visor the tech next to her guided her hand to her visor knob. Her visor would not open.
Yadza stated, “I will try to be more rational if you will answer me.”
M-66656 started with the first supposition in building a case, “Very well, MS Zooqus, before we start, I would like to remind you, that you choose your suit at considerable expense to your benefactors and a future employer, you made all the selections for the equipment therein. Is that correct?”
“You signed a UN binding contract with Kroll/Mendoza Industries that: 1) legally changed your name to MS Yadza Zooqus, 2) made you a Provisional UN World Enforcer. 3) it directed KMI to produce a Yadza Zooqus suit costume that you selected all the equipment for to be used in your KMI employment in sales promotion, is that, correct?
“Ah, yes.”
“Well, MS Zooqus we in the suiting surgical clinic are completing your UN contract assigned with only some addendums. We have made numerous surgical modification to your body utilizing the best and latest equipment to transitioned you into your suit.
I inquired, “Yadza, did you really select all those suit systems?”
“Yes I did, but they could not have possibly fulfilled that contract I signed. The procedures are not possible, and there are too many US legal and medical ethical violation.”
Doctor M-66656 corrected, “MS Zooqus, we are not in the US, and your contract is a UN binding contract with a UN-chartered company under UN sanctions. You also became UN personnel upon sighing that contract. UN enforcement command is responsible for the health and equipment of its personnel and can make decisions for you. UN personnel and UN-sanctioned company are exempt from other countries’ laws through diplomatic immunity.”
Yadza tried to reach up for her visor knob with the bad implications of what had just been pronounced on her. Nothing happened.
“OH NO! - - - Addendums to my contract?”
“MS Zooqus, your benefactor –LenTri- and our sales department generously provided you with some very complex and expensive systems currently in use in our best combat suits that were not in your original contract. They felt if you had the first-hand experience with the systems you would be better able to present them to prospective customers. Unfortunately, these systems are delaying your recovery and are going to take additional work.”
“What’d the bastards fuck me with?”
“Please, MS Zooqus, think of the additions as major gifts; they were very expensive to implant you with.
M-66656 did like Yadza’s responses and shut down all the pain blocking electrodes, lighting up the pain causing behavioral modification electrodes. Yadaz writhed against the retraining straps screaming then the M-66656 relented returning things to the default settings.
“Now, MS Zooqus, are you done with your hysterical theatricals? Can we continue our rational conversation?” She waited for a response from Yadza. After a taciturnity period, Yadza finally consented.
“MS Zooqus, I wish they had given them to me. The Soundar audio system they gave you will be -when we get it tuned- is 30 times more sensitive than normal hearing and extended in range above and below human hearing with the filters you can hear a whispered conversation in room with noise of 130 dB and it will prevent ear damages from loud sounds or violent pressure changes.”
“The Vox speech synthesizer we almost have up to specification; will allow you to speak when you are in mediums that do not carry sound, or you are on breathing fluid in environments beyond what is possible for normal humans to survive; however, the Vox does have the drawback that you will not be able to sing.”
“Our Sentinel Visual system combined with LenTri’s Tri Photo Painting Visual system will be phenomenal for your vision; It has 360-degree photosensors in horizontal plane and 310-degrees in the vertical plane making more than a 7/8 of the spear of vision for you. It also features telescoping, micro-scoping, infrared, light limiting and light enhancing functions. But, it will be at least a week of hard work for you to get it working -right now your brain doesn’t know how to process all the information the visual systems are sending it. Are you ready to get to work?”
“And just what did you do to me to give these wonderful gifts?”
M-66656 was little more tolerant in her reply, “MS Zooqus, please concentrate on tasks I give you to facilitate your recovery. Do not waste my time, my team’s time and your own time, in negative thoughts and hysterical inquiries that are pointless and counterproductive. When you’ve recovered satisfactory, I will give you all the details you want so you have a full understanding and can effectively evaluate your transition. Do we have a deal?”
“Yes, doctor. What do I have to do this morning?”
“MS Zooqus, we need to start working on your vision.”
* * *
I watched, Yadza seated in a wheelchair her helmet locked in level straight ahead position and ensconced in a donut-shaped table assembled around her. The table had a series of geometric objects and other common items on it. She looked like a large baby in a walker chair with blocks on its tray. In a way she was; her brain was re-learning as the child learns to associate what it sees with the location and shape of objects. In the room were several other KMI combat suits individuals sitting in their donut tables also learning to use their Sentinel and Tri photo painting visual systems.
The recovery therapist encouraged, “Reach out and grab an object on the table surrounding you. Pick-up, the object, turn the object in your hand feel it and try to identify it by its feel. With its identity in your mind find it in your vision field. It will not be where you think it should be. It may not even be visible if your mind is rejecting the input from the visual field of the sensor it is in. Move your object until you can see it. You may place it back on the table but keep a hold of it. Concentrate on it. Your body internal position sensory neurons are telling your mind you are holding it in a different place than your seeing it. We have to get your mind to re-associate the positions. Put your hand back at your side. Quickly, grab it. When you can accurately reach and grab it move it slowly around keeping it in sight….”
As I watched, I had no idea what my signing those legal contracts would do to Yadza reducing her to baby like, relearning. My thoughts were interrupted by M-66656 saying:
“Mr. Roswell we wanted you here to redirect her anger and encourage her recovery. She seems to have accepted things you may go, but we’ll want you back if an emergency arises or when she is ready to go home. It is usually a week of this intensive therapy until her brain re-programs itself to the visual systems.
Therapy days 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Yadza’s therapy progresses through all objects on the table and to where she could make a complete circle of the table with the object in her hand without it going out of her field of view. Then it was overhead tracts. Then it was recognition and grab objects as the instructor commands hanging from a mobile she was centered in. Then the class played catch with them throwing things at her from all directions.
Yadza’s classmates during breaks introduced themselves. They all had strange identifiers like her doctor –no names. When asked her UN identification she answered: UNWE.US33.KMI\XYZ\Yadza Zooqus. They thought it was a strange UN identifier and equally as strange as the suit she was wearing. -It looked so flimsy. That led to sharing their assigned specialties. –Sales promotion and recruitment?
Yadza by -her choice- extended her recovery period staying with the combat class developing an enjoyable comradeship with her fellow recoverees. Yadza would find herself thinking:
I wish I’d gone for a full combat suit.
Yadza learned how to switch into out of all the functions of her visual systems. Yadza managed to get minute with M-66656 to ask a question:
“Doctor, with what’s been done can I still be fitted for a Type IIIc combat suit like my classmates?”
The doctor always remained formal with her patient.
“MS Zooqus, there is no going back from what you are now. We can do upgrade to a Type IIIc combat suit but there’ll be no going back from an upgrade.”
“Thank you doctor.”
Yadza’s feet modification had heeled as had the others in the class so they were able to take up defensive martial arts combat for further acclimating their visual systems. Yadza and her class turned to their ‘Controller’ functions –computer operations. They studied: maps of many types and the navigation in different forms using the maps. From maps and navigation, they progressed into computer link weapon targeting systems. Yadza’s ‘Controller’ had all the programming functions even though she did have the weapon pad on her suit. She could target remote weapons.
Chapter: 12 Graduation and Acceptance
The accomplishment of a series of goals doesn’t have to be a cause for celebration except in using the new skills. But, a graduation ceremony is an ego builder and a pleasantry for friends and family to commiserate an accomplishment of a love one.
I was called back for Yadza’s graduation, meaning she was fully recovered from her transition and had mastered her new abilities.
I was relived she had recovered from that horrible day and night of surgical transition.
I sat in small gathering as she and her classmates stood at attention. I looked up and down the individuals graduating thinking:
Thanks to my LenTri’s electronic, KMI suit’s, and their surgical clinic, all these people had: new intimate extensive computational abilities, new beyond human physical abilities and new and augmented auditory and visual perspective on their existence. They were super human, our overseers and our future. I was proud to be part of making it possible.
And there stood Yadza among them, all polished up for the ceremony. Yadza radiated, shining like the sun among her classmates in their dull-black Type IIIc combat suits. Her suit so contrasting: her high gloss black sparkling chainmail, her ridged gold armor with the embossed and shaded scroll work lustrous and reflective, defining a fanatical gym routine acquired and sculptured feminine figure the envy and desire of most. Her gray/black faceplate and chest display were even reflective in the lights. Her faceplate was down the others in the graduating class did not have faceplates. I smiled.
Oh man! Is she beautiful.
One by one they were called by the presenting officer. He did a commanded that caused the camouflage function of their suits to form a skull with a lightning bolt below their displayed UN identifier. A saluted and incantation.
He called, “UNWE.US33.KMI\XYZ\Yadza Zooqus.”
Yadza came forward.
“Provisional Enforcer Yadza Zooqus, even though your UN service and contributions will be totally different from our as an adjunct trooper denoted by the difference in your uniform, and you are not part of my command, your time with us warrants our recognitions, for your difficult and hard-fought accomplishments.”
He commanded her chest display window to display the skull with the lightning bolt.
“Provisional Enforcer Yadza Zooqus, I have also been given the honor in proxy to inform you that your UN status had been elevated to adjunct services private UN Enforcer.
“Thank you, sir.”
He saluted with his right elbow bent and his fist at shoulder level doing a circle.
“Private Yadza Zooqus, World Pease through UN Mastery.”
Yadza returned the salute and the incantation.
The presenting officer continued, “Private Yadza Zooqus, we would like to be taking you with us on our next assignment but your assignment as an adjunct soldier and ours diverge. We wish you success in our cause.”
“Sir. I may be joining my fellow warriors in arms in a Type IIIc soon.
The presenting officer took more time with Yadza then he did with all the other under his command. When dismissed the recipients all congratulated each with handshakes and hard wallops on their armor. Then they broke to the onlookers for personal congratulations. Yadza walked up to me. She stood a half meter directly in front of me. Her dark visor aimed at me her chest displaying the skull with lightning bolt. She stood for a minute.
I commented, “Congratulation, Yadza, you look beautiful.”
Yadza answered, “Ralph, I am so glad you could come to see what you made possible for me. Thank you Ralph so immeasurable much for what I am and the life I am constrained to and never even considered. You like my uniform?”
“You are beautiful.”
Yadza turned her back on me and went back to her classmates. I left the area stinging, with that cordial thank you from Yadza; However, I could not go as far as I would have liked because we had a meeting at 16:00 hours. So I aimlessly wandered the Kroll/Mendoza’s grounds.
* * *
Yadza grabbed me from behind with gauntleted fore arms around the neck, steering me to M-66656’s office.
Continued 13 &14
Continued from 9 & 10
Chapter: 11 Therapy
Therapy day 1
Morning, I had breakfast and was back gurney side when the silver quartet arrived taking up stations at the corners of Yadza’s gurney. Doctor M-66656 slowly reduced the intensity of the sync pulse, and Yadza stopped twitching against the restraining straps. She came around with no recollection of the time passed just like yesterday morning after 9-days.
Doctor M-66656 answered, “And good morning to you too, MS Zooqus. If you will listen and not respond belligerently, I will try to enlighten you as our time permits. We are busy and have much work to do.”
Yadza fumbled around trying to open her visor the tech next to her guided her hand to her visor knob. Her visor would not open.
Yadza stated, “I will try to be more rational if you will answer me.”
M-66656 started with the first supposition in building a case, “Very well, MS Zooqus, before we start, I would like to remind you, that you choose your suit at considerable expense to your benefactors and a future employer, you made all the selections for the equipment therein. Is that correct?”
“You signed a UN binding contract with Kroll/Mendoza Industries that: 1) legally changed your name to MS Yadza Zooqus, 2) made you a Provisional UN World Enforcer. 3) it directed KMI to produce a Yadza Zooqus suit costume that you selected all the equipment for to be used in your KMI employment in sales promotion, is that, correct?
“Ah, yes.”
“Well, MS Zooqus we in the suiting surgical clinic are completing your UN contract assigned with only some addendums. We have made numerous surgical modification to your body utilizing the best and latest equipment to transitioned you into your suit.
I inquired, “Yadza, did you really select all those suit systems?”
“Yes I did, but they could not have possibly fulfilled that contract I signed. The procedures are not possible, and there are too many US legal and medical ethical violation.”
Doctor M-66656 corrected, “MS Zooqus, we are not in the US, and your contract is a UN binding contract with a UN-chartered company under UN sanctions. You also became UN personnel upon sighing that contract. UN enforcement command is responsible for the health and equipment of its personnel and can make decisions for you. UN personnel and UN-sanctioned company are exempt from other countries’ laws through diplomatic immunity.”
Yadza tried to reach up for her visor knob with the bad implications of what had just been pronounced on her. Nothing happened.
“OH NO! - - - Addendums to my contract?”
“MS Zooqus, your benefactor –LenTri- and our sales department generously provided you with some very complex and expensive systems currently in use in our best combat suits that were not in your original contract. They felt if you had the first-hand experience with the systems you would be better able to present them to prospective customers. Unfortunately, these systems are delaying your recovery and are going to take additional work.”
“What’d the bastards fuck me with?”
“Please, MS Zooqus, think of the additions as major gifts; they were very expensive to implant you with.
M-66656 did like Yadza’s responses and shut down all the pain blocking electrodes, lighting up the pain causing behavioral modification electrodes. Yadaz writhed against the retraining straps screaming then the M-66656 relented returning things to the default settings.
“Now, MS Zooqus, are you done with your hysterical theatricals? Can we continue our rational conversation?” She waited for a response from Yadza. After a taciturnity period, Yadza finally consented.
“MS Zooqus, I wish they had given them to me. The Soundar audio system they gave you will be -when we get it tuned- is 30 times more sensitive than normal hearing and extended in range above and below human hearing with the filters you can hear a whispered conversation in room with noise of 130 dB and it will prevent ear damages from loud sounds or violent pressure changes.”
“The Vox speech synthesizer we almost have up to specification; will allow you to speak when you are in mediums that do not carry sound, or you are on breathing fluid in environments beyond what is possible for normal humans to survive; however, the Vox does have the drawback that you will not be able to sing.”
“Our Sentinel Visual system combined with LenTri’s Tri Photo Painting Visual system will be phenomenal for your vision; It has 360-degree photosensors in horizontal plane and 310-degrees in the vertical plane making more than a 7/8 of the spear of vision for you. It also features telescoping, micro-scoping, infrared, light limiting and light enhancing functions. But, it will be at least a week of hard work for you to get it working -right now your brain doesn’t know how to process all the information the visual systems are sending it. Are you ready to get to work?”
“And just what did you do to me to give these wonderful gifts?”
M-66656 was little more tolerant in her reply, “MS Zooqus, please concentrate on tasks I give you to facilitate your recovery. Do not waste my time, my team’s time and your own time, in negative thoughts and hysterical inquiries that are pointless and counterproductive. When you’ve recovered satisfactory, I will give you all the details you want so you have a full understanding and can effectively evaluate your transition. Do we have a deal?”
“Yes, doctor. What do I have to do this morning?”
“MS Zooqus, we need to start working on your vision.”
* * *
I watched, Yadza seated in a wheelchair her helmet locked in level straight ahead position and ensconced in a donut-shaped table assembled around her. The table had a series of geometric objects and other common items on it. She looked like a large baby in a walker chair with blocks on its tray. In a way she was; her brain was re-learning as the child learns to associate what it sees with the location and shape of objects. In the room were several other KMI combat suits individuals sitting in their donut tables also learning to use their Sentinel and Tri photo painting visual systems.
The recovery therapist encouraged, “Reach out and grab an object on the table surrounding you. Pick-up, the object, turn the object in your hand feel it and try to identify it by its feel. With its identity in your mind find it in your vision field. It will not be where you think it should be. It may not even be visible if your mind is rejecting the input from the visual field of the sensor it is in. Move your object until you can see it. You may place it back on the table but keep a hold of it. Concentrate on it. Your body internal position sensory neurons are telling your mind you are holding it in a different place than your seeing it. We have to get your mind to re-associate the positions. Put your hand back at your side. Quickly, grab it. When you can accurately reach and grab it move it slowly around keeping it in sight….”
As I watched, I had no idea what my signing those legal contracts would do to Yadza reducing her to baby like, relearning. My thoughts were interrupted by M-66656 saying:
“Mr. Roswell we wanted you here to redirect her anger and encourage her recovery. She seems to have accepted things you may go, but we’ll want you back if an emergency arises or when she is ready to go home. It is usually a week of this intensive therapy until her brain re-programs itself to the visual systems.
Therapy days 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Yadza’s therapy progresses through all objects on the table and to where she could make a complete circle of the table with the object in her hand without it going out of her field of view. Then it was overhead tracts. Then it was recognition and grab objects as the instructor commands hanging from a mobile she was centered in. Then the class played catch with them throwing things at her from all directions.
Yadza’s classmates during breaks introduced themselves. They all had strange identifiers like her doctor –no names. When asked her UN identification she answered: UNWE.US33.KMI\XYZ\Yadza Zooqus. They thought it was a strange UN identifier and equally as strange as the suit she was wearing. -It looked so flimsy. That led to sharing their assigned specialties. –Sales promotion and recruitment?
Yadza by -her choice- extended her recovery period staying with the combat class developing an enjoyable comradeship with her fellow recoverees. Yadza would find herself thinking:
I wish I’d gone for a full combat suit.
Yadza learned how to switch into out of all the functions of her visual systems. Yadza managed to get minute with M-66656 to ask a question:
“Doctor, with what’s been done can I still be fitted for a Type IIIc combat suit like my classmates?”
The doctor always remained formal with her patient.
“MS Zooqus, there is no going back from what you are now. We can do upgrade to a Type IIIc combat suit but there’ll be no going back from an upgrade.”
“Thank you doctor.”
Yadza’s feet modification had heeled as had the others in the class so they were able to take up defensive martial arts combat for further acclimating their visual systems. Yadza and her class turned to their ‘Controller’ functions –computer operations. They studied: maps of many types and the navigation in different forms using the maps. From maps and navigation, they progressed into computer link weapon targeting systems. Yadza’s ‘Controller’ had all the programming functions even though she did have the weapon pad on her suit. She could target remote weapons.
Chapter: 12 Graduation and Acceptance
The accomplishment of a series of goals doesn’t have to be a cause for celebration except in using the new skills. But, a graduation ceremony is an ego builder and a pleasantry for friends and family to commiserate an accomplishment of a love one.
I was called back for Yadza’s graduation, meaning she was fully recovered from her transition and had mastered her new abilities.
I was relived she had recovered from that horrible day and night of surgical transition.
I sat in small gathering as she and her classmates stood at attention. I looked up and down the individuals graduating thinking:
Thanks to my LenTri’s electronic, KMI suit’s, and their surgical clinic, all these people had: new intimate extensive computational abilities, new beyond human physical abilities and new and augmented auditory and visual perspective on their existence. They were super human, our overseers and our future. I was proud to be part of making it possible.
And there stood Yadza among them, all polished up for the ceremony. Yadza radiated, shining like the sun among her classmates in their dull-black Type IIIc combat suits. Her suit so contrasting: her high gloss black sparkling chainmail, her ridged gold armor with the embossed and shaded scroll work lustrous and reflective, defining a fanatical gym routine acquired and sculptured feminine figure the envy and desire of most. Her gray/black faceplate and chest display were even reflective in the lights. Her faceplate was down the others in the graduating class did not have faceplates. I smiled.
Oh man! Is she beautiful.
One by one they were called by the presenting officer. He did a commanded that caused the camouflage function of their suits to form a skull with a lightning bolt below their displayed UN identifier. A saluted and incantation.
He called, “UNWE.US33.KMI\XYZ\Yadza Zooqus.”
Yadza came forward.
“Provisional Enforcer Yadza Zooqus, even though your UN service and contributions will be totally different from our as an adjunct trooper denoted by the difference in your uniform, and you are not part of my command, your time with us warrants our recognitions, for your difficult and hard-fought accomplishments.”
He commanded her chest display window to display the skull with the lightning bolt.
“Provisional Enforcer Yadza Zooqus, I have also been given the honor in proxy to inform you that your UN status had been elevated to adjunct services private UN Enforcer.
“Thank you, sir.”
He saluted with his right elbow bent and his fist at shoulder level doing a circle.
“Private Yadza Zooqus, World Pease through UN Mastery.”
Yadza returned the salute and the incantation.
The presenting officer continued, “Private Yadza Zooqus, we would like to be taking you with us on our next assignment but your assignment as an adjunct soldier and ours diverge. We wish you success in our cause.”
“Sir. I may be joining my fellow warriors in arms in a Type IIIc soon.
The presenting officer took more time with Yadza then he did with all the other under his command. When dismissed the recipients all congratulated each with handshakes and hard wallops on their armor. Then they broke to the onlookers for personal congratulations. Yadza walked up to me. She stood a half meter directly in front of me. Her dark visor aimed at me her chest displaying the skull with lightning bolt. She stood for a minute.
I commented, “Congratulation, Yadza, you look beautiful.”
Yadza answered, “Ralph, I am so glad you could come to see what you made possible for me. Thank you Ralph so immeasurable much for what I am and the life I am constrained to and never even considered. You like my uniform?”
“You are beautiful.”
Yadza turned her back on me and went back to her classmates. I left the area stinging, with that cordial thank you from Yadza; However, I could not go as far as I would have liked because we had a meeting at 16:00 hours. So I aimlessly wandered the Kroll/Mendoza’s grounds.
* * *
Yadza grabbed me from behind with gauntleted fore arms around the neck, steering me to M-66656’s office.
Continued 13 &14