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Re: Neosteel: First experience not good so far
Posted: 06 Mar 2015, 20:00
by VeryFriendly
gotsteel wrote:VeryFriendly wrote:
I'll email Reinhold back and then at the weekend, I'm gonna sellotape a tape measure around the inside to show what that measurement actually is - if he won't back down, that picture is going on the internet along with a copy of my order.
I'd suggest putting a picture of how your measuring it up now, it could be quite valuable to future buyers and where's the harm?
Oh, I assure you I will be. This is a joke, there was no mistake on my part. I will be taking photos over the weekend with a tape measure against the belt and put it up with a screencap of the order and Reinhold's email.
That is about £700 worth of kit from someone who claims to be an expert, blaming a measuring error that cannot be quantified because algorithms is fucking bullshit.
In fact, I think I will also take a photo of me wearing the measuring kit with the measure against it, to totally call bullshit on this.
I am so angry.
Re: Neosteel: First experience not good so far
Posted: 07 Mar 2015, 13:34
by TomDom
Neosteel manufactures nice belts and cuffs but measurements have to be made in Germany at their office. I must have paid them around twice the original price of my order with resizing. Finally the belt was sold to a well-known kink photograph after my child birth.
Our next belt in a few years might be from another brand (My-steel, Fancysteel or Tollyboy).
Re: Neosteel: First experience not good so far
Posted: 07 Mar 2015, 13:38
by VeryFriendly
There is no problem with the measurements Tom. I paid extra to order Neosteel's special measuring kit, then took two sets of measurements a week apart before comparing them and re-checking.
Re: Neosteel: First experience not good so far
Posted: 07 Mar 2015, 13:51
by TomDom
I did so...
Re: Neosteel: First experience not good so far
Posted: 07 Mar 2015, 17:22
by VeryFriendly
I don't understand what you are trying to say now?
Re: Neosteel: First experience not good so far
Posted: 07 Mar 2015, 22:45
by gotsteel
Re: Neosteel: First experience not good so far
Posted: 08 Mar 2015, 03:09
by gotsteel
"In my last e-mail I told you that the waistband of your cb is not straight – as the CB Measuring Kit – but curved down in front and rear by some centimeters."
Well that's true. You measured from your waist, the ergonomic waistband drops below that, therefore the crotch piece must be shorter than your measurement by however much the waistband drops.
As such the way you're measuring the chastity belt should NOT show the crotch measurement that you took (assuming that this is you):
Perhaps you could line the measuring kits waistband up with where the ergobelt is supposed to sit on your waist and measure past the crotch piece to the bottom of the measuring kit and see if that's your number.
Re: Neosteel: First experience not good so far
Posted: 08 Mar 2015, 13:28
by VeryFriendly
The measuring kit's waistband is lined up with where the waistbelt is supposed to sit, it is at the tightness the video and worked as far down as it will go.
Reinhold is saying that the 48cm measurement on the belt is correct to my 60cm measurement on the order because of his algorithm. If I had measured for the order with the waistband too high the section that goes through the crotch would be too long.
Re: Neosteel: First experience not good so far
Posted: 08 Mar 2015, 15:06
by gotsteel
Lets try this again, the waistband on your measuring kit goes straight across and the waistband on your chastity belt curves down, correct?
Re: Neosteel: First experience not good so far
Posted: 08 Mar 2015, 22:34
by VeryFriendly
I do understand what you mean, what I don't understand is the relevance.
The problem is not simply that the CB's through the crotch measurement is smaller than the measuring kit's measurement, the problem is that the the through the crotch measurement of the CB is too small for it to fit me, even thought the measurement supplied to Neosteel is accurate to what they asked for.
The difference made by the waistband of the CB being lower at the front and rear is not enough to make up for the difference in length of the through the crotch measurement.
Today I've experimented with bending the waistband to a better shape to fit my waist, if I really work at it I can almost get the belt on.
Tomorrow I will see if I can bend the waistband so that the front and rear are lower than they are now in relation to the sides... see if it makes any more difference.